Design Streak Logo

Each semester in Design Streak Studio, each designer creates a new logo design to represent the studio at that given time. The logo features a “D,” divided into 3 separate segments.

Design Streak Logo - Fall 2022

For this logo, I hand made a friendship bracelet with 8 different string colors to represent each of us in the studio for this given semester. Each designer was able to pick the color they felt best represented them. I then photographed the intricate design, and masked the pattern seamlessly into the logo template. My goal was to represent our studio’s teamwork, and how we all need to contribute our part in order to get to the end goal.

Design Streak Logo - Spring 2021

This logo represents teamwork and collaboration, symbolized by bees. Within the template of the logo, there is three sections that stand for the designers, the art director, and the clients. Similarly, bee colonies consist of three roles; the queen bee, the worker bees, and the drones. Everyone has their own roles and responsibilities, but there is no room for growth with out everyone working together.




Societal Issues