
Sunrise is a social media brand that I have created as my BFA Capstone Project. It focused on the negative impacts that social media has on mental health across the United States, and encourages viewers to take a break and put their phone down. Along with the Instagram page, I have created a color palette, logo, gradients, website presence, branded merchandise, and a custom QR code.


When creating this logo, I had the idea of sun rays in mind. I wanted to portray them in an abstract way, but also make sure there were no edges or corners that were too rough, as it wouldn’t fit well with the meaning behind the brand. I chose a color palette based off of the stages of a sunrise, paired with the blue of the sky surrounding.


Breaking Point

Below is a collection of images from through out our process of setting up our senior show. We collaborated as a studio to paint walls and find the best ways to showcase our work, and documented it along the way.

We also chose to incorporate a Show Tell wall, inspired by our professor David Wilson. Each week in Senior Studio One, we would bring something we wanted to share with the class, whether it was a design, new technique, or even just an interesting song or article
we came across. The exercise inspired us, further leading us to create a combined playlist titled BFA Boogies. We played this collective playlist during the duration of our show opening.




Design Streak Logo